
We currently conduct survey work in 12 languages in over 20 countries. We use surveys to directly collect feedback and information from the target audience. Our research and analysis provides the exact market expectations and characteristics you need to optimize your business. We specialize in longitudinal tracking surveys as well as point in time market assessments, and conduct both customer satisfaction surveys and employee engagement surveys.

Focus Groups

We conduct focus group both online as well as in person with a small number of people who provide feedback on a product, service or situation. This qualitative method allows us to understand the “why” behind buyer behavior. With thoughtful facilitation, we examine the consumer psychology behind the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors both consumers and business decision makers to help you make informed business decisions.

In Depth Interviews

In-depth interviews (IDIs) allow us to gain insight into how a customer or buyer is perceiving advertisements, products, services and companies overall. IDIs are also helpful when testing a concept or message positioning. We have conducted hundreds of intensive individual interviews with consumers as well as executive level decision makers in healthcare, insurance and wealth management over the years.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is one of the few market research techniques that needs to occur mostly in person, while sometimes can happen over the phone. A mystery shopper will mirror the common behaviors and actions of a typical consumer in order to gain insight on a particular company. The quality of the service received can be analyzed by the mystery shopper to know how a company is operating. We then provide a report on customer experience and sales operations of a competitor’s company.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
— Charles Darwin